Gokurakugai Summary
Gokurakugai Manga, a bustling working-class area with a concealed dark side, Tao and Alma operate as troubleshooters for hire. The Gokurakugai manga follows their gripping missions, including helping a young boy find his lost friend, tracking a person who disappears without a trace, and investigating gruesome disfigured animal corpses. Amidst these challenges, the evil spirits lurking in the shadows reveal a different, darker side to these troubleshooters. Dive into the Gokurakugai manga for a thrilling experience of action, mystery, and the supernatural in a district without order
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About Gokurakugai Manga
Gokurakugai is a Japanese manga series set in the vibrant yet enigmatic district of Gokurakugai. Created by Yuto Sano, the series has been serialized in Shueisha’s Jump SQ magazine since July 2022. The manga follows Tao and Alma, two troubleshooters who take on various odd jobs to help the residents of this chaotic area. Their missions range from finding lost friends to investigating mysterious disappearances and dealing with supernatural occurrences. As they delve deeper into these cases, they uncover the dark secrets and malevolent spirits lurking in the shadows.